The great thing about social networks is I get to meet and interact with some of the most interesting people.  KR Paul is one of those folks. I’m not even going to try relaying all her story and credentials. I am, however, going to reblog her post about how she got published, because it’s a prime example of how “The Hustle” can happen. Then I’m going to go recommend you check out her urban fantasy novel Pantheon.

[EDIT] Also, prime example of why sometimes you should just wait 24 hours to post something: KR had a follow up post on her 1st three months in publishing.

Speaking of urban fantasy and making one’s own luck, long time readers of this blog are familiar with the indomitable Cedar Sanderson and her Pixie Noir universe. In addition to having another book out, Cedar also delivers another great blog post about the cover art process. First go get her book. Then read about how she came to the cover featuring everyone’s favorite chicken hut.

Quick link to the other posts I’ve done about writing, if you’re interested.

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