by James Young | Nov 8, 2023 | Alternate History, Usurper's War
Hey all! Sorry for the hiatus. Much, much more to post about. It’s going to be a busy final quarter of the year, followed by a gangbusters dive into 2024. (More on that in another post.) But first, wanted to share that I’m getting the three Usurper’s...
by James Young | Jun 5, 2023 | Alternate History
My Mom, supportive as always, sent me an article that was discussing alternate history books. While I agree with the assessment that Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle is highly implausible, I take umbrage at the underlying thesis that entertaining...
by James Young | Jan 30, 2023 | Alternate History, Usurper's War
As promised last October, the Flametree Press alternate history anthology is now live. Alas, it is only available in the UK at the moment. US Folks will have to wait another couple of months to read “Winifred” in its entirety. There are several Nebula and...
by James Young | Oct 15, 2022 | Alternate History, Usurper's War, Writing Business
Greetings all! I come bearing good news I can finally share: “Winifred,” my Usurper’s War origin story, has been accepted for publication in Flametree Press’s Alternate History anthology. You can read more about that at the Flametree Press...
by James Young | Aug 10, 2022 | Air Warfare, Alternate History, Warship Wednesday
We’re going to resume Warship Wednesday by talking a bit about torpedo bombing. For those of you who may have stumbled upon this blog due to recent publications or pure happenstance, my primary bread and butter is alternate history. Specifically,...